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Learn more about the farmers who grow wheat
EatWheat is a campaign that shares the stories of U.S. wheat farmers with consumers all around the world. You'll also find quick and easy recipes showcasing wheat, ideas to get inspired by using wheat in crafts and articles to learn more about wheat production and wheat foods.
National Festival of Breads
Kansas Wheat is a title sponsor of the National Festival of Breads: America's Bread Baking Championship, which is held every other year.
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National Festival of Breads
Kansas Wheat is a title sponsor of the National Festival of Breads: America's Bread Baking Championship, which is held every other year.
Learn more at
Whole Grains
Whole grains offer vitamins and minerals, plus high levels of antioxidants and other healthy plant-based nutrients.
Whole grains contain protective antioxidants in amounts near or exceeding those in fruits and vegetables. They also provide some unique antioxidants not found in other foods. Wheat and oats almost equal broccoli and spinach in antioxidant activity. Research continues to turn up new evidence on the benefits of whole grains. We’ve known for years that the fiber in whole grains helps promote digestive health. More recently, studies have shown that eating more whole grains may help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Studies also show that whole grains may lower triglycerides, improve insulin control, help with weight management, and slow the buildup of arterial plaque.
Can you think of a better reason to EAT WHEAT?
Recent news
Which Wheat for What?
December 1, 2014
Six classes of U.S. wheat You stuffed yourself with Thanksgiving pie and warm rolls in November. And the smell of Christmas cookies baking fills the air in December. You know you can count on your…
Betty Kandt recounts a lifetime of wheat stories
November 30, 2014
Step into Betty Kandt’s home, just down the road from Kansas State University in Manhattan, and receive a warm smile.
Fun Thanksgiving Roll Shape: Pumpkins!
November 27, 2014
Recipe: Sweet Potato or Pumpkin Rolls from National Festival of Breads website Divide dough into 2 oz. portions. Shape each portion into a ball. Slightly flatten balls into a disc shape. Place on…
The truth about Roundup in wheat
November 18, 2014
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You don’t eat enough whole grains
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Dr. Glenn Gaesser, professor and director of the Healthy Lifestyles Research Center at Arizona State University, spoke at the National Association of Wheat Growers/U.S. Wheat Associates Fall Board…
By the Numbers: National Bread Month
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Rediscover Wheat - November 2014
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The pro-gluten perspective: Sharing wheat facts at FNCE
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Whole grains offer vitamins and minerals, plus high levels of antioxidants and other healthy plant-based nutrients.