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U.S.-Japan Tariff Agreement Confirms Equal Access for U.S. Wheat
October 6, 2019
The text of the U.S.-Japan tariff agreement signed today in Washington, D.C., confirms that the agreement will provide imported U.S. wheat the same preferential advantage that is now given to…
U.S. Wheat Associates: The Only Threat from Auto Imports is Retaliation from Trading Partners
June 26, 2018
Via U.S. Wheat Associates
Overseas Customers Discuss Need for Stability and Consistency in HRW Wheat Quality
June 3, 2016
The quality of a product or service is both a measurement of merit and subjective to each individual’s needs, preferences and even environment. When it comes to wheat grown and exported from the…
Learn about upcoming wheat varieties at Kansas Wheat Day, May 26
May 19, 2016
Kansas wheat farmers are invited to Hays, Kansas, on Thursday, May 26, for Kansas Wheat Day, hosted by the KSU Ag Research Center.
All in Good Authority
July 10, 2015
In a successful bipartisan effort President Obama signed the Trade Promotion Authority into law on June 29. The Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) is a federal legislative procedure that requires…
Putting trade on the fast track
April 30, 2015
International trade policy negotiations are time-consuming, complex and extremely controversial. But, the resulting trade agreements can remove trade barriers and put Kansas farmers on a level…
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