Kansas Association of Wheat Growers FY 2022 Resolutions
As approved by the KAWG Board of Directors on December 07, 2022
G.1 The KAWG supports raising the USDA definition of a farm to any place from which $10,000 or more of agricultural products were produced and sold, or normally would have been sold, during the year. (Expiring FY 2026)
G.2 The KAWG supports any and all efforts required to prevent U.S. dependence on foreign produced food. (Expiring FY 2024)
G.3 The KAWG supports increasing the estate tax exemption with the final goal of elimination of the estate tax. (Expiring FY 2025)
G.4 The KAWG supports Federal and State policies that promote job creation, economic growth and improve the quality of life in rural communities. (Expiring FY 2024)
G.5 KAWG supports agricultural industry-efforts regarding farm data that seek to
clarify data collection policies, educate producers, standardize data sharing policies and protect the interests of growers. (Expiring FY 2024)
G.6 The KAWG opposes the removal of stepped-up basis exception from the tax code. (Expiring FY 2025)
S.1 The KAWG understands the need to fund various inspection and regulatory programs and supports the cost-share approach embodied in user fees, however KAWG opposes additional fees or increases to user-fees paid to state agencies by farmers and agribusinesses. (Expiring FY 2023)
S.2 The KAWG supports the continuance of the Kansas Grain Warehouse Program with a combination of public and private funding. The inspection program should include grain quality standards. (Expiring FY 2026)
S.3 The KAWG recommends that the KDWP set the upland game season to begin no earlier than the second weekend of November. (Expiring FY 2024)
S.4 The KAWG supports the consideration of tenants’ rights in the Kansas Walk-In-Hunting Program. (Expiring FY 2024)
S.5 The KAWG opposes the creation of a value added tax at any level of government. (Expiring FY 2025)
S.6 The KAWG supports the current agricultural sales tax exemptions for inputs, new and used farm machinery, farm equipment, grain storage, parts, repairs and service. (Expiring FY 2025)
S.7 The KAWG opposes increased reliance on property taxes for state government funding. (Expiring FY 2025)
S.8 The KAWG supports a balanced tax policy structure that adequately funds the state government and does not increase the property tax burden on agricultural producers. (FY 2026)
S.9 The KAWG supports state commodity commissions and believes they should remain governed by farmer-elected commissioners. (Expiring FY 2023)
S.10 The KAWG opposes "fee sweeps" of any state fee funds collected from producers or input suppliers. (Expiring FY 2023)
S.11 The KAWG supports the mission of the Kansas Foundation for Ag in the Classroom and believes their efforts are vital to the promotion of agriculture. (Expiring FY 2023)
S.12 KAWG opposes the use of KDOT money to balance the state budget and opposes any further transfers of funds from KDOT to the state general fund. (FY 2024)
S.13 KAWG supports efforts to develop a multi-state solution to preserve the Ogallala aquifer and protect the aquifer’s resources for the future. The KAWG opposes the pumping of groundwater into creeks, streams, or lakes to increase surface water or satisfy water compact requirements. (FY 2026)
DP.1 The KAWG supports a comprehensive national energy policy that is supportive to agriculture and supports national energy independence. (Expiring FY 2025)
DP.2 The KAWG supports the use of financial incentives by the state and federal governments to construct on farm storage. (Expiring FY 2024)
DP.3 The KAWG supports input from stakeholders (farmers, ranchers, county and state committee members) before changes are considered in the administration of USDA agencies to better manage services to farmers and ranchers. (Expiring FY 2024)
DP.4 The KAWG opposes any type of means testing to establish eligibility for, or restrict participation in, federal farm programs, including crop insurance. (Expiring FY 2023)
DP.5 The KAWG opposes further reductions in farm program payment limitations, including arbitrary limitations on crop insurance premium. (Expiring FY 2023)
DP.6 The KAWG recognizes the need to reduce the federal deficit and for a sustainable federal budget. However, the KAWG opposes budgetary reductions which disproportionately affect agriculture. (Expiring FY 2025)
DP.9 The KAWG believes decisions regarding changes in the farm safety net should be made in the context of a multi-year farm bill reauthorization by the House and Senate Agriculture committees. (Expiring FY 2023)
DP.10 The KAWG recognizes crop insurance as the primary safety net for agricultural producers. (Expiring FY 2024)
DP.13 The KAWG opposes conservation compliance as a requirement to purchase crop insurance. (Expiring FY 2026)
DP.15 With regard to reauthorization of a Farm Bill, the KAWG's highest priority is the enactment of a 5-year Farm Bill. (Expiring FY 2023)
DP.16 The KAWG opposes separating the Nutrition and Farm Program components of the Farm Bill into separate pieces of legislation. (Expiring FY 2023)
DP. 17 The KAWG opposes the repeal of the commodity title's permanent law provisions. (Expiring FY 2023)
DP.18 The KAWG recognizes a farmer’s right to repair their own equipment and make decisions on where their equipment is repaired. KAWG supports competition through third-party repair services and supports language in legislation that would require equipment manufacturers to make the same service information and tools to independent auto and maintenance shops, as well as to consumers, that the equipment dealership service centers receive, available at market rate costs. (Expiring FY 2025)
DP.19 The KAWG supports the core principles included in the Privacy and Security Principles for Farm Data and urges companies and entities to implement these practices to protect farmer ownership and privacy of data. (Expiring FY 2025)
DP.20 The KAWG supports government plans and removal of barriers to get employees to work in key industries that support American agriculture and farmers. (Expiring FY 2025)
T.1 The KAWG supports actions that create consistency between states with regard to truck weight limits and transportation regulations, provided any action does not reduce current weight limits. (Expiring FY 2025)
T.2 The KAWG supports a comprehensive, affordable, reliable and efficient transportation system that includes rail, truck, barge and ocean-going vessels. (Expiring FY 2024)
T.3 The KAWG supports public and/or private upgrading of rail transportation lines in Kansas. (Expiring FY 2024)
RC.1 KAWG supports a price endorsement to crop insurance for production of certified wheat seed. (Expiring FY 2026)
RC.2 The KAWG supports the timely development of new and evolution of current risk management products to better meet producer needs (planting and reporting dates, arbitrary lines dividing production management practices, de-minimus yields), developing risk management coverage for crop quality losses, producer education on risk management alternatives. (Expiring FY 2026)
RC.4 The KAWG supports maintaining the RMA Revenue Assurance- Harvest Price Option available for all major crops in Kansas. Further, the KAWG urges the RMA to investigate crop insurance provisions that would provide revenue protection against basis risk in addition to futures price risk. (Expiring FY 2024)
RC.5 The KAWG supports the RMA utilization of elevator test results for quality standards covered by crop insurance. (Expiring FY 2025)
RC.6 The KAWG supports the development and expansion of limited irrigation crop insurance policies to include wheat. (Expiring FY 2023)
RC.7 The KAWG supports the expansion of the personal T-Yield Pilot program nationwide. (Expiring FY 2023)
RC.8 The KAWG encourages RMA to create crop insurance policies that would cover losses related to wheat streak mosaic virus and other diseases where adequate control measures are unavailable. (Expiring FY 2025)
RC.9 The KAWG supports efforts to improve crop insurance performance for farmers through the separation of enterprise units by fallow and continuous, while still offering combined units to those who it would benefit. (Expiring FY 2026)
IT.1 The KAWG supports trade agreements that have positive benefits to the Kansas wheat producer. (Expiring FY 2024)
IT.2 The KAWG supports continued monitoring of foreign and domestic compliance with multi-lateral and bi-lateral trade agreements. (Expiring FY 2025)
IT.3 The KAWG supports fair and open trade of wheat throughout the world. (Expiring FY 2025)
IT.4 The KAWG supports the advancement of comprehensive, multi-lateral and bi-lateral negotiations to expand trade in goods and services. (Expiring FY 2025)
IT.5 The KAWG supports the continuation of Trade Promotion Authority (fast track authority) to assist in developing trade agreements. (Expiring FY 2024)
IT.6 KAWG supports funding of P.L. 480 Title II Food Assistance Programs at the full amount authorized by law. (Expiring FY 2024)
IT.7 The KAWG supports a strong, flexible U.S. food aid program that contains both in-kind donations of U.S. grain and monetization. (Expiring FY 2026)
IT.8 The KAWG supports the USDA's "Feed the Future" Initiative, especially those components that call for increased agricultural research. (Expiring FY 2026)
IT.9 The KAWG supports continued funding for the Market Access Program and Foreign Market Development program. (Expiring FY 2024)
IT.10 KAWG supports legislation to end the Cuban embargo and normalize trade and travel relations. (Expiring FY 2024)
IT.11 KAWG supports international agricultural development that enhances potential for export growth. (Expiring FY 2024)
IT.12 KAWG supports the US Wheat Associates Food Aid Working Group and strongly encourages increasing the use of Food Aid as assistance for countries in need, as support for developing nations, and as a trade tool to promote positive foreign relations. (Expiring FY 2024)
E.1 The KAWG opposes the listing of the prairie chicken as a threatened or endangered species. We are supportive of conservation plans and programs that promote conservation of the Lesser Prairie Chicken and allow coexistence with agriculture and energy development. (Expiring FY 2026)
E.2 The KAWG supports the current Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contract provisions. (Expiring FY 2023)
E.3 The KAWG supports environmental stewardship and conservation of our natural resources including soil, water and air. We endorse the existing Conservation Title programs while believing there are opportunities to streamline programs and find efficiencies. (Expiring FY 2023)
E.4 The KAWG recognizes reasonable restrictions, preferably at the discretion of local officials, on the application of controlled burns, such as restrictions with regards to excessive wind speed, but opposes further limitations on a producer's ability to use a controlled burn in clearing debris from building sites and in removing crop residue. (Expiring FY 2024)
E.5 The KAWG supports continued innovation in the state’s water policies that prioritizes local decision-making and long-term planning. (Expiring FY 2025)
E.6 The KAWG supports greater state and local decision-making authority with respect to the design and implementation of conservation programs. (Expiring FY 2026)
E.7 KAWG supports a modest increase in the CRP acreage cap in the 2018 farm bill. (Expiring FY 2023)
E.8 KAWG believes that the CRP payment prices should be reflective of local cash rent values. (Expiring FY 2023)
E.9 The KAWG recognizes the soil and environmental benefits of wheat in a crop rotation and therefore wheat that is intentionally seeded and harvestable should have the option of being classified as a cover crop for purposes of NRCS and other climate smart programs. (Expiring FY 2026)
RT.1 The KAWG supports research and education to study the components in wheat that will have marketable benefits for nutrition, energy or shelter. (Expiring FY 2026)
RT.2 The KAWG supports the continued efforts of the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC). (Expiring FY 2024)
RT.3 The KAWG supports federal funding for hard winter wheat research such as that performed at USDA ARS and Land Grant University facilities. (Expiring FY 2023)
RT.4 The KAWG supports the Kansas Wheat Alliance (KWA) to improve production, quality and utilization of wheat through acquiring, licensing and utilizing new technologies. We will partner in the development, marketing and commercialization of these technologies for wheat producers. (Expiring FY 2024)
RT.5 The KAWG supports the efforts of NAWG and USWA in pursuit of advanced technologies for our industry and their effort to make the products of both breeding and biotechnology a commercial reality in the wheat industry. (Expiring FY 2026)
R.1 The KAWG is concerned about the economic impact that greenhouse gas legislation or regulation will have on production agriculture. KAWG will strive for a net economic benefit to farmers, agriculture and food production. If greenhouse gas regulation should occur, USDA should promulgate the rules and administer any programs impacting farmers. Furthermore, EPA should not regulate greenhouse gas until the major carbon emitting countries of the world have agreed to regulate their own greenhouse gases in a like manner to ours. (Expiring FY 2024)
R.2 The KAWG opposes the extension of the definition of interstate commerce to include a motor vehicle controlled and operated by a farmer and transporting - (A) the farmer's agricultural or horticultural commodities and products; or (B) supplies to the farm of the farmer; congruent to 49 USC Sec. 13506. (Expiring FY 2023)
R.3 The KAWG opposes the use of any federally mandated total maximum daily load (TMDL) requirements. KAWG recognizes the importance of protecting bodies of water from nutrient and sediment loadings and supports voluntary measures, including conservation programs to achieve desired environmental goals, but opposes EPA efforts to impose mandatory and enforceable requirements for non-point sources of pollution from agricultural lands. KAWG supports the collection of data from ongoing voluntary conservation reserve practices to ensure that state and federal agencies have a more accurate accounting of water quality impacts from agriculture. (Expiring FY 2025)
R.4 The KAWG opposes holding producers liable when crop protection products are applied, stored or disposed of in accordance with label instructions. (Expiring FY 2024)
R.5 KAWG opposes efforts by the federal government to expand the jurisdiction or scope of the Clean Water Act. (Expiring FY 2026)
R.6 The KAWG opposes efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency to further regulate particulate matter, including farm dust. (Expiring FY 2026)
R.7 The KAWG supports broad efforts to reduce the regulatory burden facing farmers and ranchers. KAWG supports the consultation with stakeholders before the drafting of regulations and supports additional congressional review for all regulations. (FY 2026)
R. 8 The KAWG is concerned with surveillance of farms and ranches by federal agencies, and private companies, as satellite, drone, and data technology becomes more prevalent. The KAWG urges caution be taken to ensure producer's privacy is respected, and encourages ample public comment and public vetting of proposed surveillance programs. (Expiring FY 2023)
R.9 The KAWG opposes government mandates of any “carbon” or “sustainability” ratings on food labels. KAWG believes that any non-nutrition labels of food should be left to private companies competing in the open market. Further, KAWG believes that nutrition labels should have scientific accuracy and relevance. (Expiring FY 2025)