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- Wheat Rx - Salina
8:30 am: Coffee and registration
8:50 am: Welcome - Aaron Harries, Kansas Wheat
9:00 am: Dr. Allan Fritz - Wheat variety selection in central Kansas
9:45 am: Dr. Sarah Lancaster - Problematic weeds and their control in winter wheat
10:30 am: Break
10:45 am: Dr. Kelsey Andersen Onofre - Management of major wheat diseases in Kansas
11:30 am: Dr. Dorivar Ruiz Diaz - Wheat fertility management for high yield and quality
12:15 pm: Lunch
1:00 pm: Dr. Romulo Lollato - Variety specific management for yield and quality
1:45 pm: Great Plains tour
The registration fee is $110. Members of the Kansas Association of Wheat Growers will receive one free registration. Nonmembers will need to pay for registration using the online store after submitting the registration form.