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- Statement on Senate Bill 178
The Kansas Association of Wheat Growers strongly opposes Senate Bill 178. This bill would increase taxes paid by Kansas agricultural producers, especially wheat farmers. These proposals would have a significant and devastating impact on our state's largest industry.
The proposed legislation would make drastic and sweeping changes to the Use Value taxation process. For those unfamiliar with the formula and rationale of tax calculation, this may not seem like a big issue. However, the proposal would result in a massive tax hike on the backs of our family farmers and ranchers in Kansas.
"KAWG policy adopted two years ago clearly opposes shifting tax burdens to ag producers either through removal of sales tax exemptions or through property tax changes," said Justin Gilpin, CEO of Kansas Wheat. "We had good discussions about the bill at our February KAWG board meeting, and board members gave us clear direction that they are not supportive of this bill."