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The Kansas Wheat Commission (KWC), Kansas Wheat Alliance (KWA) and Kansas Crop Improvement Association (KCIA) are now seeking research proposals for FY 2016 (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016). This initial request is for preliminary 2-page letters of intent that are due by November 26, 2014. These 2-page documents will be reviewed by committee with invitations for full proposals announced by December 19, 2014. Full proposals will be submitted through Grants and Contracts according to a deadline set by that office. On February 17-18, 2015, proposal PIs will be invited to give a brief presentation to a joint KWC, KWA, KCIA and KSU research review committee in Manhattan. Final award announcements will be made in April 2015.
Following are specific areas of research focus/interest for each organization. These lists are not all-inclusive.
The following research goals of KWC should be taken into consideration when submitting proposals.
New Variety Development
Trait Discovery and Biotechnology
Testing Methods and Procedures
Value-Added Uses
Consumer Preferences
These KWA funding priorities should be considered when submitting proposals:
Funding grants typically are in range of $2,500 to $10,000 per year. The Committee will consider proposals for multi-year projects. Other crops may be considered. Currently funded, multi-year projects receive first consideration. Currently-funded projects with additional years on original proposals need only write a letter specifying any changes to the original proposal, or that the research is to continue as originally conceived, and a written progress report.
Priorities established by the KCIA Research Support Committee are:
Collaborations Are Encouraged!
Collaborative research projects between departments within universities or between universities and industry are strongly encouraged. For the purpose of letters of intent, collaborations should identify a team leader to submit the letter. Initial budget estimates are not expected to be firm, but approximate as closely as possible. Detailed budgets will be requested in full proposals. Long-term proposals are welcome, but keep in mind that most projects are funded on a year-by-year basis.
Letters of intent should include: Title, Estimated Total Project Cost (without detailed budget), Project Status (new or continuing), Principal Investigators (contact information – including e-mail addresses), Introduction, Objectives, Project Location and Duration, Other Funding Received For Project (include other potential funding sources), Research Cooperators, Expected Outcomes. Proposals not meeting these requirements will be rejected.
Letters of intent should be e-mailed to in Word or pdf format no later than November 26, 2014.
Proposals are evaluated and prioritized by committee based on relevance to KWC, KWA and KCIA goals and funds available.
If you have any questions or would like to meet with us to further discuss these research areas, please do not hesitate to contact Aaron Harries (KWC) at 785-539-0255, Daryl Strouts (KWA) 785-477-3400, Steve Schuler (KCIA) 785-532-6118.
Aaron W. Harries Daryl Strouts Steve Schuler
VP, Research and Operations President Executive Director
Kansas Wheat Commission Kansas Wheat Alliance KS Crop Improvement Assn.